So simple HE
formed spitballs...that formed new eyeballs that gave the blind man 20/20
So simple HE
turned water into wine
But we’ve
turned them into wine-o’s and DUIs: Driving Under Ignorance
Alcohol doesn’t
influence-it absorbs your significance
And throws you
up after your done sippin’ it ---or it’s done sippin’ you!
So simple HE
makes dead things come alive-Live things look fly-fly things fly high
Into skies where
their cries become laughter--cuz in Earth-Stadiums the rafters are filled with fatherless sons we call bastards and motherless
daughters we call future disasters...
So simple HE
used words to make words, formed worlds with words to grow more words and mouths to spit words...for ears like yours to hear
words and pencils to write for people to get words with envelopes to mail words…power of life and death in WORDS!
So powerful others
use them to define who you are and if you disagree
Then use words
to express your disagreement with “I Disagree” words...
But be very careful-because
words will retaliate...
And when they
do, you’ll probably hear “beep-beep-beep” words to censor “bad” words
Because in our
society INSPIRATION words are overlooked by people who hold
And overbooked
by people who’ve learned their power, future-inspiration-words!
So blessed we
are, that we get to choose words
Even when we’ve
been dealt wrong words like “why were you born words”
That lead to
death words like “suicide”...so with words we can kill carriers of words
Individuals who
may help to save a generation one day!
Words travel
in more ways than you can imagine
So before you
choose to spit words, sing words or recite words…
Ask yourself
what happens AFTER-WORDS!