Gifts From a Holy Land

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SIAM [Serigne Ibrahim Al-Jahizz Sarr M'Backe]

by the Baobab tree where Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba drafted numerous Qassides.

Senegal is a Holy and Blessed nation where SIAM receives inspiration from God in various ways.  This page is dedicated to the poetry that he was inspired to write as he immersed himself in The Divine Presence...

Each poem is written in  English and followed by the French translation for convenience and understanding of those who were most hospitable to SIAM.

All translations on his page as well as photographs are courtesy of the reluctant Saint, Papa Charles Seck of Dakar, Senegal, except where otherwise noted.

a poem for GOD

Your shadow fell over me and i saw through stone;
Your formation, a reflection of my self-transformation;
Your love is a space-time continuum, a cosmic womb of transcendental sea
That washes me and screens my eyes from beholding un-necessary debris;


The antidote to all my hypnotic epileptic psychological seizures;
My personalized global warming, where all my geological
Zones are of erogenous meltdown, and IAM reduced to an undefined
Amorphous mass of particle-lized shattered glass.

In The house
of Papa Charles -
Dakar Senegal

This photo was taken by the brother of the reluctant saint, Souleyman Seck

un poème à DIEU 

Ton ombre me couvra puis jentrevis à travers la roche;
Ta formation, une réflexion de mon auto-transformation;
Ton affection est un espace-temps continuel, le sein cosmique de la mer
Transcendantale qui me purifie et voile mes yeux, préservant mon regard d
in-utiles débris;


L’antidote de toutes mes crises hypnotiques, épileptiques, psychologiques;
Mon réchauffement global personnalisé, où toutes mes zones géologiques
Proviennent d
une fusion érogène, et JE SUIS réduis en une indéfinie masse
Amorphe de bris particu-larisés de verre.

Dans la Maison
de Papa Charles -
Dakar, Senegal









